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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Getting Your California College Grants

In this day and age receiving one of the California college grants is not a foregone conclusion. Being one of the larger states in the country with a huge population and hundreds of colleges and universities California has a fine higher education tradition. If you know where to look for the grants you seek you will find more then you probably thought existed. This article will focus primarily on California college grants and how you can get one.

The Process

The California state government has created a variety of state funded grant options available to anyone seeking a college education in California. They are available to high school graduates up to a full year after graduation. They are also available to anyone that doesn't have a traditional diploma as long as they can provide SAT or ACT scores. In recent years even adult learners who are seeking to return to school may qualify. We will list the name, criteria to be met and award amounts associated with each grant as follows:

* Cal Grant A
o Offers up to $8000 for tuition cost.
o Available for a University of California (UOC) bachelor degree.
o Available for enrollment in a California State University (CSU).

* Cal Grant B
o Incrementally disbursed.
o Provides funding for tuition, book fees and other college related expenses for financially disadvantaged students.
o Allows for greater financial awards over time for continued academic success.

* Cal Grant C
o Offers a minimum of $575 for books and fees and a possible $2500 for tuition cost.
o Available for those seeking community college or vocational degrees and/or certificates.

We might add that in addition to these there are also other competitive educational awards based on merit and need.

Additional California College Grants List

Cal Grant C. Offers from $576 to $3168 on an annual basis. This is for students attending California technical college.

Child Development Teacher and Supervisor Grant Program. Offers from $1000 to $2000 on an annual basis. This is for undergraduate students attending California college.

Competitive Cal Grant A. Offers from $2046 to $9708 on an annual basis. This is for undergraduate students attending California college.

Competitive Cal Grant B. Offers from $700 to $11259 on an annual basis. This is for undergraduate students attending California college.

Entitlement Cal Grant A. Offers from $2046 to $9708 on an annual basis. This is for undergraduate students attending California college.

Entitlement Cal Grant B. Offers from $700 to $11259 on an annual basis. This is for undergraduate students attending California college.

In Summary

This article has briefly touched on the scholarship and grants available in the state of California. With any information of this kind you should always check with the source to make sure the information you are basing your decisions on is timely. By making you aware of the possibility of getting one of the California college grants you should be on the trail of getting one yourself.

California college grants - Discover the secrets of getting college scholarships and grant money by utilizing the proper research tools and information.

(Seriously, this is something we've helped *hundreds* of people do.)

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When You Want Study Abroad, Australia is the Place to Be

If you have been in college for a while now and feel like you are in a rut, an overseas school semester study abroad experience might be just what you need to rev up your enthusiasm for academics. The school semester study abroad program is within your reach, because you can use your financial aid to offset the expenses. Plus, the college credits you earn overseas can be applied to your degree program at your home university or college.

Here is how school semester study abroad works: you take a look at what courses you require to complete your college graduate or undergraduate degree. Then you examine the course offerings from top Australian colleges and universities to find the ones you need to complete your degree. You can register for Australian courses in a similar manner as you would for your home university. It is as simple as that.

There are other aspects to the multicultural education experience that you will want to consider when you are looking at overseas universities and colleges and what they can offer you. For school study abroad, Australia offers a wealth of cultural experiences that can be had no where else on earth. Imagine what it would be like to work on classes, then have time on the weekends to explore the Great Barrier Reef, rest on sandy beaches or explore the great deserts of Australia. Plus feel free to take part in cultural events, and the school activities that you enjoy, such as meeting friends, eating local cuisines and going to dances.

There are many benefits that come to you as a student who has participated in a school semester study abroad program. Eventually you will graduate from college and will want to find a job. Although there are many qualified candidates, you will have something on your resume that few do: actual multicultural experience. In an increasingly global economy, that is an important qualification to possess.

For school study abroad, Australia offers some of the best academics in the world. For those who want an once-in-a-lifetime experience studying ecology and wildlife conservation and research, Central Queensland University is second to none. It offers a small campus with friendly students and staff that will make your experience one to remember.

Some students prefer a research-based school study abroad. Australia offers this at Australian National University. Here you can study economics, law, engineering, as well as Asia and Pacific Studies, among other intriguing areas.

There are a wealth of colleges and universities in Australia that are ready to welcome you into an exciting and innovative way to complete your degree at your home college or university. The first step is to look into a semester study abroad program.

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Professors - Change Habits So You Can Be More Productive

My FranklinCovey planner page recently included this Yiddish proverb:

"Bad habits are easier to abandon today than tomorrow."

Let's think about habits in this article. If you're reading this, I'm positive you have at least one bad habit (maybe more!) I know the person writing this has um, a few, um, bad habits. So let's just figure we're all in this together!

* Choose one habit that you have, which you consider to be a "bad habit" related to your productivity. It might be picking items up out of your inbox and just setting them back in the inbox. It might be opening email when you really don't have time to read it - or even opening email you know to be junk. It might be procrastination. It might be telling people, "Yes," when the answer is really "No." It might be keeping things "just in case." Who knows? Well, actually, you do.
* What would be a bold step to abandoning this bad habit? What decision do you need to make? What changes in your environment would support this change? Once you answer these questions, related to the first bullet point, you are really moving swiftly toward abandonment of the habit. For example, let's say your habit is to check email CONSTANTLY regardless of whether it's your top priority. A change in your environment would be to close your email program except when you are ready to focus only on email. Radical, I know.

* Think of the difference abandoning this bad habit would make...would it lead to a more peacefully productive life? Really consider the difference it could make. Motivation comes from that which we want more of or that which we want less your motivation for abandoning this bad habit will be one of those two. Get a clear picture in your mind of what could happen if you actually left the office when you wanted to (and when you told others you were planning to) instead of hours later. Imagine finishing the book you're writing (which counts toward tenure, whereas answered emails are rarely counted in a tenure or merit document). Just sayin'....

* Share with someone you really trust (who also shares with you) what the one bad habit is that you intend to abandon TODAY (instead of tomorrow). The two of you can determine how you want to be accountable to each other for this commitment. My favorite idea related to this is that you decide that if you DON'T do whatever it is you said, you will donate money to an organization that you would NEVER under any other circumstances donate to. You go ahead and make out the check and your accountability partner vows to mail it in if you don't follow through on your commitment.

Let's look at the proverb again: "Bad habits are easier to abandon today than tomorrow." Truly, it doesn't get easier the more entrenched in a bad habit you get. If you would like additional ideas to assist you in your goal to be ever-more productive, then just

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