College Student Reputations
Hollywood has so drastically changed the real image of college students that many employers are afraid to hire a student in certain areas of our nation. The idea that student's party, drinks, and never studies but is a bunch of spoiled children away from home is a very bad image to overcome. The young do know how to have a good time just like anyone else but that does not mean that they are irresponsible in college. Many young people have worked very hard to get into college and often work even harder to maintain their status at college.
What many people should consider is that most colleges will not keep anyone who does not keep a good grade point average, parties instead of studies, and shows up to class late or not at all. The colleges of today are very strict actually some students have remarked that going to college is tougher than when they were at home. Many young people feel that the college expects more from them than the high school that they attended. The student not only has to study, show up in class, but many need to work afterwards to help support themselves. It is not easy being a college student it takes a lot of hard work and plenty of patience.
Hollywood makes going to college seem like it is all fun and games. They show the Spring Break like it is just one big party that goes on the whole college year. The Hollywood moguls take great effort to make everyone think that our young people of today go to college to have fun and get away from their parents. The truth is that professors and college deans are not baby sitters nor do they run around checking out what your student is doing. Each student has to be responsible for them and if they do not meet the standards they are kicked out of school. Colleges has so many responsible people who are in school to make a good life for themselves that study hard and mind the rules that they do not have to tolerate the unruly.
The problem faced with colleges today stems mostly from the behavior of athletes. The athletes are in a prime position because of their ability to play games to get by with more things than the average student. The colleges still make requirements of their athletes and if they do not comply they can be heavily fined and even yes lose their place on the team or be kicked out of school. Everyone who goes to college is expected to be a very responsible adult and in most cases they most certainly are not the product that Hollywood would like us all to believe.
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